TDV Offshore Consulting

695.00 USD

TDV Offshore Consulting

Consulting description

TDV Offshore is proud to offer very reasonable rates that are designed to accommodate five-figure and six-figure earners with middle-class lifestyles seeking workable and cost-effective offshore solutions.

If you would like to explore viable second citizenship opportunities, or if you are entirely new to the world of second citizenships and wish to begin your journey by obtaining valuable broad-based insight into the various programs in place, a TDV Offshore specialist will be happy to bring you up to speed on the cutting-edge of international lifestyle diversification strategies and second citizenship opportunities.

The specialists at TDV Offshore hold advanced university degrees and possess a wealth of highly actionable second citizenship expertise. They demonstrate a pronounced personal passion for the pursuit of freedom by way of internationally diversified lifestyles and are very well-versed in the intricacies of this field due to years of daily reading, research, and remaining abreast of industry trends and developments.

Additionally, all of our second citizenship specialists are multilingual native English speakers who have successfully acquired at least one second citizenship in adulthood, which enables them to provide valuable insight to clients from a position firmly rooted in understanding and first-hand experience.

Being sworn in as a new citizen at a naturalization ceremony is a unique experience quite unlike any other in the arena of civic achievement. It is the sudden realization of having finally broken free of a single government’s dominion that evokes feelings of exhilaration and genuine liberation. Now, are you ready to unleash your international game and begin living the liberated life?

If so, don’t hesitate to contact us here today to obtain the critical information that you need to embark upon your international journey toward achieving greater individual sovereignty, security, and freedom! We look forward to hearing from you.

Procedure details

Our services are unique in that they are designed to be accessible to people spanning a broad range of incomes and net worths. The primary value of our consultations is to explore and gain a solid understanding of the benefits, drawbacks, and implications of the viable residency, citizenship, and passport options available across the world at a very reasonable price as well as little-known valuable offshore banking options.

For a one-time fixed fee, you will receive a 60-minute phone consultation in a friendly and relaxed setting, in which we will discuss all residency and citizenship opportunities across the world that could be feasible options for you in view of your personal circumstances, wants, and needs with a particular focus on cost-effective options that require little or no travel.

After the call we will send you a series of emails containing detailed written information on each of the topics we discussed. Then, for no additional charge, you will have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions by email if anything is still unclear (or to request additional information or a recommendation for a lawyer or service provider for a specific country's residency/citizenship program).

We can promptly schedule an appointment once payment is provided. We also offer evening and weekend appointments and can usually be available for a call at fairly short notice. Please use the contact form on this page if you have any questions about the consultation offer.

TDV Offshore is the official partners of The Dollar Vigilante and is featured on the TDV website (under Resources). Additionally, our in-depth citizenship-themed articles appear in each edition of the TDV Newsletter Twice Monthly.

  • Total costs: 695.00 USD (gross)

  • Agency

    Oakland Park, United States

  • Languages

    English, German

  • Ratings

    (1 Ratings)

    Overall impression

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