Top 10 Countries That Take In Most Refugees Around the World

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that there are over 25.4 million refugees in the world today. That's more than one person forced to flee their home every two seconds. While the majority of refugees come from just a handful of countries, people seeking asylum come from all over the globe. Here are the top 10 countries that take in the most refugees.

1. Türkiye

Türkiye has been one of the top countries that take in refugees for many years now. The country has a long history of accepting refugees, dating back to the Ottoman Empire.

Türkiye is currently home to over 3 million refugees, the majority of whom are Syrian. The country has been praised for its efforts in helping to care for and integrate refugees into society.

Türkiye has also set up a number of programs to help refugees learn Turkish and find employment. The country is committed to helping refugees rebuild their lives and integrate into the community.


More than 1.7 million people have been forced to flee their homes due to violence and conflict in Colombia. Most of these refugees have fled to neighboring countries, such as Ecuador, Venezuela, and Peru.

Colombia is one of the top countries in the world for refugee resettlement. In 2017, the United States resettled more than 16,000 Colombian refugees. This was the highest number of Colombian refugees resettled in a single year since 2002.

The majority of Colombian refugees are displaced within their own country. However, those who do flee to other countries often face difficult living conditions. Many refugees live in makeshift camps with limited access to clean water and medical care.

Despite the challenges, Colombian refugees often find ways to rebuild their lives in their new countries. Refugee resettlement programs provide support that can help refugees start over and build new lives in safety and dignity.

3. Uganda

Uganda is one of the world's leading refugee-hosting countries. It is currently home to over 1.4 million refugees, the majority of whom are from South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Uganda has a long history of welcoming refugees and has a very generous asylum policy. Refugees in Uganda have access to education, health care, and employment opportunities.

The Ugandan government has also been working closely with the UNHCR to improve conditions for refugees in the country. In recent years, they have built several new refugee settlements and have provided land for farming and other livelihood activities.

The Ugandan people are also very friendly and hospitable towards refugees. Many Ugandans have relatives who are refugees themselves, so they understand the challenges that refugees face.

If you are a refugee looking for a safe and welcoming place to start anew, Uganda is definitely worth considering!

4. Pakistan

Pakistan is one of the top countries that take in refugees from around the world. According to the UN refugee agency, Pakistan is currently home to over 1.4 million refugees, most of whom are from Afghanistan.

Pakistan has a long history of helping refugees and has been praised for its generosity. The country has kept its borders open to those fleeing conflict and persecution, and it has provided aid and assistance to refugees.

Pakistan is also one of the few countries that offer citizenship to refugees. This allows them to have access to education, healthcare, and other basic rights.

The Pakistani government has been working closely with the UNHCR to find solutions for the large number of refugees in the country. They are also working on plans to repatriate some of the refugees back to their home countries.


Germany is one of the top countries that takes in the most refugees. In 2015, they took in over 1 million refugees. The German government has set up different programs to help these refugees integrate into German society.

Some of these programs include language classes, job training, and educational opportunities. The German government also provides financial assistance to help cover the costs of housing and living expenses.

Refugees in Germany have access to free healthcare and education. They also have the right to work and start their own businesses.

The German government is working hard to provide support for refugees. They are also working on making it easier for refugees to obtain German citizenship.

6. Sudan

Sudan is one of the top countries that take in refugees. It is estimated that there are over 2 million refugees in Sudan.

The majority of refugees in Sudan come from South Sudan, which is located to the south of Sudan. Other refugees come from Chad, Ethiopia, and Eritrea.

Sudan has a long history of violence and conflict. This has made it difficult for many people to live there safely. However, the government of Sudan has been working hard to improve the situation in recent years.

The number of refugees in Sudan has increased dramatically in recent years due to the conflict in South Sudan. Many people have fled to Sudan to escape the violence and insecurity in their own country.

Sudan is a large country with a population of over 40 million people. It is one of the most populous countries in Africa. The capital city of Sudan is Khartoum.

7. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the top countries in the world when it comes to taking in refugees. In 2018, Bangladesh took in nearly 700,000 Rohingya refugees who had fled violence in Myanmar.

Bangladesh is a densely populated country with limited resources, so it has been struggling to cope with the influx of refugees. The government has been working with international organizations to provide aid and assistance to the refugees.

Despite the challenges, Bangladesh continues to show compassion and humanity by welcoming refugees into the country.


Lebanon is one of the top countries that take in refugees. In 2015, Lebanon had 1,076,370 refugees. That number has only grown in recent years.

Lebanon is a small country, but it has a big heart. The Lebanese people have welcomed refugees with open arms and have given them a place to call home.

The Lebanese government has also done its part to help refugees. It has set up refugee camps and provided them with basic needs like food and shelter.

Despite the challenges, Lebanon has managed to provide a safe haven for refugees. It is a shining example of humanity and compassion in the face of adversity.

9. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the top countries that takes in refugees. It is estimated that there are over 700,000 refugees in Ethiopia, most of whom are from Somalia and South Sudan.

Ethiopia has a long history of refugee resettlement, dating back to the 1970s when it welcomed refugees from neighboring countries such as Eritrea and Sudan. Today, Ethiopia continues to be a welcoming country for refugees, providing them with access to education and health care.

While living conditions in refugee camps can be difficult, Ethiopia provides refugees with the opportunity to rebuild their lives in safety and dignity.

10. Iran

Iran is one of the top countries that take in refugees from around the world. In 2015, Iran took in over 1 million refugees, most of whom were fleeing from war-torn Syria.

Iran has a long history of taking in refugees and has been praised for its hospitality. The country has set up refugee camps and provides free healthcare and education to those who have fled their homes.

Despite the challenges, Iran continues to welcome refugees with open arms.



Refugees are some of the most vulnerable people in the world. They often face persecution, violence, and poverty in their home countries.

Despite the challenges, there are many countries that have opened their doors to refugees. These countries provide safety, security, and a new start for those who have been forced to flee their homes.



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