Beginning with the Ukraine war, the idea of a World War III is not any longer pure paranoia of a dystopian movie. Cold War 2.0 has become mainstream. But in times of plandemia, the collapse of the fiat money system and a crash of global economic structures and supply lines, not to mention the demographic chaos in many parts of the world, a big scale war is only one of many potential harms these days. Many people are thinking about a possible place of refuge.
That, for example Europe, is definitely not such a place of retreat should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see. But even traditional emigration destinations such as the Gulf oases of Dubai, Southeast Asian booming countries, and Australia as well as New Zealand, for all their merits and benefits, are situated in geopolitical fault lines. Should there be a major conflict in the Middle East or with China, it certainly won’t be possible to permanently live there peacefully.
However, since global supply chains are also permanently damaged in the aftermath of planned crises and the great challenges of deglobalization and demographic change cannot be solved quickly, one has to include strategic considerations such as food and energy supply in evaluating a personal rescue and backup plan.
To be clear: I am not talking about where you would have found the most beautiful playgrounds and business opportunities in the old world. Places like Dubai and Singapore, for example, have been great destinations for emigration. And they still might be in the near future. But they are build on a geopolitical vulcano.
I am concerned here with a complementary solution, which we perhaps do not make use of at all until the chaos breaks out. But then it might be too late. Borders might be closed for non-residents and immigration will be stopped. Then even money cannot buy you a seat in the Ark.
Where Can You Hide?
At the moment, I only consider the Southern part of Latin America as a life-saving place. This region has great self-sufficiency when it comes to essentials like food and energy. Certainly, many South American countries have not traditionally proven to be vibrant economies and exciting playgrounds during the recent decades, but I am n0t primarily talking about having fun – although there are great places in this region of the world as well: Paraguay is one of them. Additionally, Paraguay has a stable and growing economy. But a getaway is more than just a place to have fun. It is a place to provide security to you and your family!
However, Paraguay still offers good combination of possibilities. Even in the “old world” a Paraguay “Cedula” is not just for precautionary reasons. One great fact is that Paraguay does not tax income from abroad, which makes it attractive as an official tax residence for all entrepreneurs who earn their money online and like to travel most of the time (digital nomads etc.). One can easily utilize Paraguay with its territorial tax system as the choice par excellence for an official tax residence. But as mentioned, Paraguay serves as a great backup plan since the residence permit comes with no strings attached. You don’t need to live there. You don’t need to pay tax there. Just come, when World War III is on the horizon.
The Easy and Cheap Option
Since it is incredibly affordable and easy to get a lifetime residence permit in Paraguay, it is a no-brainer considering the above-mentioned insurance thoughts to definitely secure a backup in Paraguay! In the world of yesterday it was certainly great to have the Paraguay backup, but today it has become mandatory! If the worldwide situation gets worse and more and more people make use of this easy way, at some point also Paraguay will be forced to raise the bars – just like Panama did a few years ago.
Just get your documents ready and fly to Asuncion for a few days. Here everything will be done within 1 or 2 days with a local immigration helper. I myself was able to do the whole application process in half a day. They picked me up in the hotel in the morning, drove me to all the offices, the notaries, and the police. In the afternoon I had a piece of paper in my hand, which entitled me already to stay in the country until the residence papers and the Cedula card were issued.
Many people spend tens of thousands of dollars for residence permits in playgrounds which even must be renewed every few years. But only few are smart and take precautions while it’s still possible and get their Paraguay papers.
Plan P can help you to get those papers in a very affordable and rapid way. Just contact us!
Self-sufficiency is Possible in Paraguay
Paraguay has self-sufficiency with more than 100% renewable energy thanks to the Itaipu Dam. Paraguay is therefore independent of international energy prices and armed against emergencies. Paraguay has so much abundant energy that it is the largest exporter of so called “clean” energy worldwide. Not even the new international climate change agenda can harm Paraguay since no CO2 is emitted while harvesting water power.
Like the other countries in Paraguay’s neighborhood, Paraguay is one of the countries with the most secure food supply. All countries surrounding and including Paraguay are net exporters of food which keeps the region stable in case of a global food supply scarcity.
The soil in Paraguay is very fertile and nobody will interfere with you if you and your family decide to become self-sufficient farmers. No socialism, no mandatory insurances, all-out liberal laws! Did I already mention that Paraguay sits on one of the biggest fresh water reservoirs of the world? South America is simply incredibly rich in natural resources.
Safe Haven for War
If there is a World War, it will probably be fought out in Asia and Europe. Also North America could be targeted be missiles. Nowhere in the northern hemisphere would be a safe place any longer. I really don’t get how New Zealand, for example, can be chosen as a retreat for World War 3. One should not bet that the AUKUS and Five-Eyes countries New Zealand and Australia will be left in peace in a conflict with China. On the other hand, if you look at the vastness of Paraguay, there is no issue of overpopulation here, but instead you would be far away from any nuclear war stage. The Gran Chaco makes up about 60% of Paraguay’s territory, but only 2% of its population. With only 7 million inhabitants, a typical small American town is spread over an area the size of the United Kingdom.
Paraguay had its last war even before the Second World War. Paraguay gets along very well with its neighbors and has economic ties with all of them. They are all associated with MERCOSUR. And as mentioned, all those countries are quite self-sufficient. Therefore, South America might be a better place than even those famous remote Pacific islands during an international conflict.
Even if the Third World War could involve countries such as Brazil or Argentina, one might be in danger in the coastal cities. But it is not to be expected that a foreign army will penetrate the hinterland and the vast steppes of Paraguay. Why should they? It would be just a waste of valuable assets during this intense and difficult war.
All in all, Paraguay is my number one place for retreat with my family in case of an emergency. So, if the geopolitical situation gets worse, you will definitely find me in South America and if the Third World War gets into the hot phase, I will barricade myself as a self-sufficient farmer in the outback of Paraguay 😜
Let us pray to God that we will never need this option and be thankful that we are still allowed to obtain this insurance now at basically no cost!